Creative Direction & Visual Identity

Visual identity and creative direction for the full C40 summit live programme, including an international artists campaign, and design for zero-emission buses.

About the Summit:
The C40 World Mayors Summit in Buenos Aires gathered global mayors alongside business leaders, philanthropists, campaigners, youth leaders, scientists, and residents. The event showcased solutions and city climate leadership around three key pillars:

  • a fair and inclusive pandemic recovery

  • wellbeing cities

  • the urgent need for climate finance

Summit Stats:

  • 75 C40 mayors attending in person or virtually

  • 140+ non-C40 mayors and other city representatives

  • 60 youth climate leaders from around the world

  • 300+ business representatives, philanthropists, campaigners, scientists and residents

  • 1.5 million livestream views, across 35+ countries

C40 World Mayors Summit 2022

Creative content for the live programme

Below are 16:9 versions of a selection of screen content commissioned for a 24x4 metres screen in the main plenary room.

© Enviral

© Studio Mistaker

© Enivral

© Studio Mistaker


United in Action Artist Campaign